Page 3 - NewsLester Issue 03
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    January 2022 and a new home for our Head Office and principal manufacturing centre.
Those of our customers who have visited our Croydon premises will be only too aware of the ‘bursting at the seams’ environment that we have been experiencing over the past few years! However, we shouldn’t be too surprised as sales have been steadily increasing and we have been in our existing premises for quite some time!
To overcome the ‘bursting at the seams’ scenario, we started looking for a new premises over a year ago. Fortunately, our search was helped by a larger 13,126 sq. ft. commercial building becoming available almost opposite our
existing premises.
The new premises will allow us to improve our production lines, to assist with workflow and provide space for the extra capacity that we now require. Mike Turner, our Technical Director,
is overseeing the configuration of a new and significantly
larger training area and classroom. This enlarged area is being designed to support client and internal training on our
products. One of the benefits to our training programme will come from having a fully operational 3-stop lift in the building. Our intention is to replace the existing controller with an ALMEGA II and install it within the training area on the third floor adjacent to the lift.
We are additionally intending to allocate some of the ground floor space to a product showroom, something that has proved to be a great success at our Glasgow facilities.
With the new building only 100 meters or so away from our existing building, all of our Croydon team will be lending a hand with the move and no doubt taking advantage of the roadside and mobile snack bars that operate within the trading estate.
Our administration, sales and technical support management offices will all be located on the first and second floors, along with client and internal meeting rooms.
Our new address from 4th January 2022:
59 Imperial Way, Croydon, CR0 4RR
NEWSLESTER Issue 3 :: Page 3

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